

Discover how Gladstone Commercial Capital is revolutionizing the mining industry by improving environmental impact and creating a sustainable circular mining ecosystem. Utilizing proprietary processes, we extract gold, silver, platinum group metals, and rare earth elements from head ore, legacy mine tailings, and coal refuse, transforming waste into valuable resource stockpiles. Explore our innovative approach to mining and sustainability.

gladstone hero

ESG Leadership

Commercial Strategy


Market Cap

Deals above $200 million are accepted for mega projects. For smaller deals, click 'Apply Now'

Attractive Business Model

Gladstone Commercial Capital acquires metal recovery rights for tailings sites by utilizing a profit-sharing business model that offers an appealing value proposition for site owners. This innovative approach is designed to generate substantial free cash flow and achieve high target internal rates of return (IRR), while mitigating the risks typically associated with conventional exploration and extraction methods. The company aims to produce metals with a carbon footprint reduced by up to 96% compared to traditional metal producers, effectively lowering the environmental impact of legacy mining operations.

ESG Leadership

committed to creating value through partnerships while leading in ESG and circular economy initiatives. The company focuses on profitably reprocessing and remediating mine waste tailings to recover precious, critical, and strategic metals, including gold, silver, platinum group metals (PGMs), and rare earth elements.

Commercial Strategy

Gladstone Commercial Capital's commercial strategy leverages proprietary advanced technologies to tackle some of the world's most pressing waste-related challenges, generating profits through resource reclamation. This strategy unfolds across three distinct strategic horizons, with an immediate focus on employing innovative metal liberation technology to recover valuable materials from refractory mine tailings. The company anticipates an accelerated path to achieving high free cash flow, starting with its Nevada Tailings Reprocessing Project set for 2023.


With over 280 billion metric tons of mine tailings on Earth's surface, the contained metal value exceeds US$3.4 trillion. Utilizing a detailed proprietary screening process, Gladstone Commercial Capital has conducted extensive market analyses to identify potential tailings targets with a contained value surpassing US$40 billion. Among these, refractory, polymetallic, and VMS tailings represent a significant sub-segment with substantial and scalable economic potential. As Gladstone Commercial Capital successfully commercializes its metal liberation technology, it plans to expand its initiatives to encompass other high-value waste reclamation and environmental remediation projects, including coal refuse.

Market Cap

The company is strategically positioned to secure and sustain its social license while capitalizing on the estimated US$3.4 trillion in situ metal value found within global tailings.